
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Outsourcing Pros and Cons: Advice from the Experts

Without a workforce, a business is nothing. Not only do employees open unlimited doors to opportunities, but they also pave paths for a company to grow. However, hiring internally can be costly with expenses, including:

• Labor cost
• Employee insurance
• Office space rent
• Furniture (desks, chairs, etc.)
• Utilities (computers, office supplies, etc.)

The cost of internal recruitment encouraged companies to consider outsourcing jobs, such as data entrycontent creationcustomer service, and personal assistance. But employers should keep in mind that no matter how great outsourcing seems, there are still outsourcing pros and cons to evaluate.

Outsourcing Pros and Cons

For a company to enjoy the benefits of outsourcing effectively, they need to consider the following:

Pros of Outsourcing

“A large pool of highly motivated and well-educated people with world-class communications skills.”
-Dennis Ross, Convergys

1. World-class talents

Outsourcing services give companies access to “a large pool of highly motivated and well-educated people with world-class communications skills,” according to Dennis Ross of Convergys.

Yes, there are lots of skilled workers around, but do they possess the expertise that a company specifically needs? When outsourcing, businesses can easily connect with experts that offer a specialized type of help. Most of the time, outsourced talents can provide services that are not yet available in the area. Also, remote workers know the solutions to help businesses stay ahead of the game.

Let’s face it: outsourcing is cheaper than in-house recruitment.

Outsourced experts are efficient with their time. In addition, they often offer considerably lower rates compared to in-house employees. With this combination, a business can enjoy fast results at their desired budget.

Also, outsourced partners usually have their own utilities. No need to worry about computer purchases, software subscriptions, and other overhead costs.

3. Focusing on what matters

A business is not all about strategies and planning. It also includes boring, menial, and repetitive tasks that can consume time and energy. These tasks usually include data entry, record keeping, transcription, and inventory management.

“Outsource functions that are time-consuming and can easily be performed by someone outside the organization.” Sara Slettebo, President, ReMilNet.

This helps businesses improve efficiency and increase productivity.

Multi-million companies, such as Skype, Google, and Alibaba, also outsource to minimize laborious tasks.

4. No Time Down

Most outsourced workers continue to provide services during holidays, weekends, or even their vacation breaks. These guarantees work continuation and availability even at the busiest days.
Cons of Outsourcing

The advantages of outsourcing are numerous, but it also has disadvantages to consider.
1. Lack of Control or Desired Management

“It’s critical to understand that outsourcing requires oversight.”
-Michael Beck, Head of Growth and Marketing, Earth Class Mail.
Although outsourced experts know what to do, there might be difficulty communicating what should happen. Also, some companies might find it challenging to maintain the kind of management they desire. In the worst cases, this can lead to decreased productivity and inaccurate results.

Most employers prevent this occurrence by utilizing time tracker and scheduling weekly meetings.

2. Privacy and Security Concerns

Outsourcing jobs can put a business’s privacy and security at risk.
“If something goes wrong, you’ll have no control over your product.”

-Mark Tuchscherer, Co-founder and President, Geeks Chicago.

It is inevitable to worry when trusting an outsourced expert to handle sensitive data and valuable information. Most of the time, they have access to a business’ database and other important files. At some cases, a virus from the contractor’s desktop can penetrate the company’s documents.

Maximizing the Pros and Eliminating the Cons with HOPLA

outsourcing pros and cons

Are you looking for an outsourcing company to help you find the best talents? Here at HOPLA, we consider all outsourcing pros and cons to guarantee excellent results for your business. More than that, our team utilizes comprehensive recruitment systems and conducts rigorous screening processes to assist our clients in finding the perfect candidate.

Save time and reduce costs today. Reach out to HOPLA and get a free consultation.


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