
Sunday, May 3, 2020

How HOPLA Employees Defy the Most Common Remote Work Challenges

If it’s your first time to outsource tasks to remote work, chances are there are a few reservations lingering in your mind. The first would be the ability of these work-from-home talents to handle your tasks and the projects you give them. The second would be their capacity to sustain their productivity and commitment to you in the long run.
These reservations are all well-founded as their pro-activeness, autonomy, and, ultimately, self-mastery will determine if they can keep on producing for you at maximum capacity for the long haul.

Now here’s the good news:  

HOPLA employees have been proven to satisfy our customer demands.  They deliver high-quality work punctually and reliably, and many of them have been working with us and our clients for a very long time. Based on the kind of alignment that has been happening, it is reasonable to forecast that this relationship will continue into the foreseeable future, making everyone happy.  
This blog will elaborate on the most common remote challenges, and how HOPLA employees have mastered them.

Overcoming Remote Work Dilemmas 

There is one good reason why HOPLA employees succeed in this field. Remote work is not for everyone. Many who have tried it at a certain time get discouraged, bail out, and move back to work in a brick-and-mortar institution.
HOPLA’s staff, which consists of a variety of specialists from content writing, graphic design, marketing, to virtual assistance, do not just survive in this fast-paced world, but they actually thrive. They take to this fascinating, dynamic work from home as naturally as duck does effortlessly to water. That’s because, at the onset when they first started, they became keenly aware of the challenges that they faced — and primed themselves to overcome them. They anticipated the challenges and conquered them.
There are three tough hurdles that everyone who does remote work faces, and this is how HOPLA employees handle them like a breeze. 


Communication is a challenge in the remote space because of the waiting game that can and does happen. Sometimes, both client and remote worker wait to contact each other for some time before proceeding on the work. This hurdle can create delays, but HOPLA’s remote workers do not succumb to this situation.
HOPLA employees have learned to surmount this difficulty by being pro-active. They have also been trained to have a zero tolerance policy as far as lack of clarity is concerned. Before they start on any project, they have to be clear to their objectives, considering what the client wants, deadlines, and other pertinent details that can influence project outcomes.
Picture this: as soon as they get the project brief, they contact the client and get his directives and action items. They take a lot of notes and then have the client recheck them to make sure they got everything accurately. Then, as the work progresses, they keep on checking with the client to make sure everything is up to speed. They are not afraid to ask questions or clarifications. Should the client take time to reply, they wait a maximum of 24 hours before following up. Unnecessary delays are not part of a HOPLA employee’s DNA.

2.Keeping track of progress

The next challenge that remote workers face is how to keep track of the projects and their many remote jobs.  Many of them work with several clients, and sometimes have a hard time focusing on individual calendars and delivery points.

Seeing the big picture

Unlike most of them, though, HOPLA  thrives in the remote work set up because its remote workers are focused. What differentiates us is a project manager who oversees all the remote work done by our employees. While clients have the liberty to manage their own projects, HOPLA has a remote project manager who keeps tabs on every staff, without stifling their independence and creativity. The project manager will send you regular reports to summarize the accomplishments of a certain period. He also advises you on how each staff member contributed to the project, and how much work still has to be done.
Finally, we do have software solutions like time-trackers that record the actual work hours that the remote worker spends on your project. Consequently, we can email the screenshots to show that they have been performing on time as agreed if needed.

3.Project management and deadlines

As a business owner, you’d always want to have the big picture. You can have an overview of what is happening to your project at any given time through the progress report and access to the planning tools we mentioned above. It also provides you a road plan of what to expect in each phase. The report lays out the following details:
  • the tasks given to each remote worker
  • the delivery time expected of him or her
  • the resources needed to execute each phase
  • major junctures such as deadlines
You will know when phase one of the project will end and when phase two will begin. You will have access to what will happen in any given day, week, or month.

Remote Work Star Players

HOPLA’s remote employees think both of the trees and the forest. They are keenly aware of their role in your business and that they need to be responsible about their deadlines. Yet, because of our project manager’s oversight, they also recognize that they are a part of a bigger organization — your’s — and they have to march in step accordingly with your plans. As individual soldiers, they will shine as they fulfill certain tasks. Yet, they continue to be part of a larger army that is involved in a major campaign. HOPLA employees may be individual star players in remote work, but they are excellent team players who recognize that the client interests come first.
If you have more questions as to how HOPLA can service your remote work needs, call us now, and find out how we differ from other work from home companies.


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