
Friday, August 13, 2021

Social Media Manager Cost: Truth Disclosed

 We are living in a world where technology is integrated with everything that we do and wherever we are. With the rise of the internet, the world we are living in is becoming more “social”. Thanks to social media platforms, it feels like the world is within our reach.  The chances of being able to interact with people from all parts of the world grew higher. Likewise, the chances for marketers to engage potential customers also increased through Social Media Marketing. This paved the way for Social Media Moderator jobs to surface in the business industry. But, have you ever wondered what can a social media manager cost your company?

If yes, then let’s find out.

Hiring a Social Media Manager

Hiring a social media manager is yet the best way to utilize the use of social media platforms, most especially if you are launching a new product. This also works if you are trying to promote an existing product to a wider range of prospect customers.

They help a lot in the marketing campaign. They don’t just decide on the best strategy to use but they are also the ones who write the plan and make sure everything is fine. From the graphics of your advertisement to the number of sharing, they make sure that it will attract a large number of influencers and customers.

With this amount of factors to consider, deciding on the best and suitable marketing plan isn’t easy. That is why more and more companies ask the help of an expert. But, how much does it cost the business and is it worth it?

Social Media Manager Cost

For every business, every penny counts. That is why it is important for a business to know the costs of all the services that they will acquire. This way, they will be able to track whether they are gaining profit or not.

Having an added overhead cost means less net profit for your business and nobody wants that. Therefore, you need to know how much does it really cost to have an added member to your team and be able to financially prepare for it. So, below is a list of how much social media managers charge per services.


Marketing through Twitter may cost you around $2 000-$4 000 a month. This includes the creation of a new twitter account, an outsourcing content creation, and consumer interaction. However, it would only cost you $1 000- $2 500 monthly if you only need a restructuring of your existing account.


The cost for Facebook could be about $2 500- $ 9 000 per month. This amount includes the set up of a new Facebook account with limited ongoing training to business partners and PR agencies online.

Other Jobs and Social Media Accounts

While Social Media Moderator cost much on the first two social media sites, there are other social media moderator jobs that do not charge much for small-scale businesses and they are as follows:

    • Account Manager (minimum of 2 accounts) ranges from $400- $2 000 per month.
    • Blogging with Social Shares ranges from $ 400- $ 1 200 per month.
    • Influencer Targeting ranges from $200- $ 1 000 per month.
    • Images/Graphic design ranges from $ 200- $ 950 per month.
    • Campaign Creation ranges from $3 00- $ 1 000 per month.
    • Customer Outreach ranges from $ 200- $ 1 000 per month.

At HOPLA, we make sure to provide you with the most affordable service we could without compromising the quality. We have a pool of qualifies candidates who are able to do per project based or you can also hire someone as an extension of your team. They are ranging from social media moderators, SEO experts, or even a Digital Marketing Manager to lead your campaigns and boosts your sales to soaring heights.

Social Media Moderator Cost: The Truth Disclosed

It is true that hiring a social media moderator is costly. However, in exchange for the amount of money that you have to shell out are benefits that your business would get. With research proving that social media is no longer just a trend but a business tool, how much does hiring a social media moderator cost you? Likewise, how much would it cost you if you don’t?

Why do I need a Community Moderator?

According to studies, there are only 12% of the total business population who claims that they are using social media tool effectively. The reason behind it is that most companies are not familiar with how it works. This includes the right platforms to use and a poor analysis of ROI.

Think about this, if the tool to increase your business traffic and profit is right in front of you, would you let go of the chance cause you can’t manage it? Of course, the answer is no. If you want to succeed in your business, you just don’t stop there. Rather, you find ways on how to utilize all possible means for you to achieve your goal. That includes hiring a social media manager. But, why? Below are the implications of hiring one.

Social Media Passes Valuable Information

New York Times Insight Group revealed that: Out of the 94% of the people who share information on social media, 47% influence action about products. Having the right content moderator to do the job, will lead to more number of shares. This implies a larger pool of people who will take action and purchase your product.

HOPLA houses dedicated content writers who would provide interesting and fact-based information that would attract more readers eventually converting them to customers.

Social Media Shares Might Determine your Company’s Credibility

One thing about social media shares is that it can create a bad reputation as much as it can create a good one. It can destroy business credibility as much as it can build one.

Studies show that the number of social shares you have might lead to the conclusion that your business is not performing well, no efficient and the like. Your business credibility might be stained. Thus, hiring a Social Media Content Moderator will help you regain your reputation through strategies and plans that they would make.

At HOPLA, we acknowledge the real social media moderator cost. It is not the amount of money that you shell out. Rather, it is the amount of service that you get. That is why we provide you with social media moderators who would not just work for you. Instead, they will be key players in achieving your marketing goals.

          Blog Resource:                  truth-disclosed/ 


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